Tips for Keeping a Pool Fountain Clean

Pool fountains help keep your pool cool, add to the pool water circulation, and are aesthetically pleasing. The water spring effect is created by the fountain pump recycling the pool water.

The fountain pump requires regular cleaning, and the pool water should be kept as clean as possible to keep the pool fountain clean and ensure it runs efficiently. Here are some basic tips on how to keep your pool fountain clean:

Clean the fountain pump

To clean the fountain pump thoroughly, you’ll need to remove it carefully from the fountain; then, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to disassemble it in a well-lit area. Use an old toothbrush saturated in vinegar to give the pump a good scrub. Vinegar is the best solution to break down built-up mineral deposits, and the toothbrush will get to the hard-to-reach places. Rinse the pump off thoroughly when finished.

In hard water areas, aim to clean the pump at least once every two weeks. The build-up won’t happen as quickly in soft water areas, so the pump should only need cleaning every other month.

Keep the pool water clean

The pool fountain uses the water from the pool. Therefore, the pool water needs to be kept clean to help keep the fountain clean. Here are some tips on how to keep your pool water clean:

Keep it free from leaves and other debris

Be sure to skim the surface every few days to remove the bugs, leaves, and other debris. Once debris sinks to the bottom of your pool, it will be much harder to remove, and it can obstruct the filtering equipment.

Keep an eye on the water level

The right water level helps the pool maintain the correct chemical balance, allowing the pump filter and other components to function well.

Keep the pool edge clean

To prevent the build-up of algae and other substances that can affect the cleanliness of your pool water, regularly clean along the pool edge or water line.

Hire a professional pool cleaner

Paying for your pool to be professionally cleaned will offer you peace of mind knowing that a thorough job has been done, and your pool fountain will be circulating clean water. Be sure the pool maintenance services provide a regular check of the chemical balance of your pool to prevent germs, algae growth, and help keep the pool components protected.

Keep your pool’s fountain beautiful

Installing a pool fountain adds a beautiful water feature to its design. To keep it looking beautiful requires keeping the heart of the fountain – the pump – and the pool water clean. Using the pump manufacturer’s instructions, you can clean the pump regularly to get rid of build-up. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that the pump is filtering clean pool water after the pool is professionally cleaned.

If you need pool maintenance for your Phoenix, Arizona pool or spa, call us here at Serenity Pools. Our services include new installation set-up, professional maintenance of pools and spas, water features, and fountains. Call today! 480-370-0579.


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